Jumping Rainbows

All filled up again!

For the past couple months I've known that Cullen and his family are my FUTURE FAMILY!  By that I mean I'm gonna marry him some day, (if he still wants to marry me at that point, that is Laughing) and when that happens, his mom, Pam, and his stepdad Rick are also gonna become part of my life, and OUR life together!  I can honestly tell anyone who's reading this, or will read this, that being connected with those three individuals in one way or another, be it via text message or sitting down to eat a meal together, fills me up in EVERY way possible...emotionally, mentally, spiritually, you name it, it's probably been done, or will be and the very near future! 

That said, when I found out they were going on a three week long trip to explore and the West Coast as a family I was devastated.  Devastated were a lot of reasons.  Not the least of which was the fact that we already spend far too much time apart for my liking due to the fact that I don't have a reliable public transportation option that goes out to where his apartment is.  However, as their departure date grew closer, I began to grow more comfortable with the idea because I knew that they were going to be taking both computers, and will cell phones with them so I would have the ability to communicate with them one way or another during their journey.  The day they left, which will be a week ago tomorrow, I knew their whereabouts the entire time and was extremely happy about that because while we were text in back and forth, I felt connected to the situation, even though I couldn't physically be there.  At about 11 Saturday night she sent me one last text to tell me that they had arrived in Iowa and were going to be staying there overnight.

After that last text on Saturday night, I didn't hear anything from them for three whole days.  This was absolutely excruciating, and not something I would wish on my worst enemy!  You see, even if Cullen and I don't see each other see each other more than once every couple weeks, his mom and I usually text each other at least once a day, and sometimes many more times depending on what's going on.  Everything I did for those next three days was somehow connected to Cullen and his family, even if it wasn't usually, or wasn't meant to be.  I just simply couldn't stop thinking about them and how much I wished my phone would alert me to a text!

When Tuesday night rolled around and I still hadn't heard from them, I decided to turn to the one person I knew would be connected to them no mater where they were on their adventure....the Lord.  I told Him how empty I was feeling inside because I hadn't heard from them.  I asked Him to lay upon her (Cullen's mom's) heart everything I was saying to Him, and drifted off for the night.

The next day, after my sister had left, I got a text.  I didn't rush to see who it was from, because I just assumed i was from my sister telling me she had gotten where she was going.  Oh how sweetly wrong I was!  It was from a member of my future family-his mom!  From that initial text, we texted ALL day long!  YEAH!  Laughing  By the time our last text transpired at 12:07AM on Thursday morning, I was grinning from ear to ear, and ALL filled up!  Smile

So, for those who may be on the fence about the power of prayer, and the miracles of the Lord, I hope this pose inspires you to explore your relationship with Him!  Smile

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