Jumping Rainbows

The second great equalizer

  For as long as I can remember, death has always been considered "the great equalizer".  This makes a lot of sense when you think about it, considering that most of the time after you're dead you're laying on an autopsy table with a medical examiner examining your nude, maybe even beat up body.  He or she has no idea about the sins you may have committed, the people you may have hurt, the loved ones you may have lost, or the moments you wish you had back.  To that medical examiner, you are just another body that he or she now needs to determine the cause of death on.

  As I think about death as the great equalizer, I am perplexed by one question: why does it only seem to be acceptable to society to be naked when we're dead?  Please, stop and think about it with me for just a moment.  If you're a nudist, and it just happens to come up in conversation, most of society that is what I call, and what some of my other nudist friends call trapped in the textile world are either going to give you a very, very, very strange look, or they're going to stop talking to you all together because they just don't know what to say.  Let's face it, society is unnerved by what they don't understand, and I understand that, but when it comes to people being unnerved by the idea of nudism, there are a couple things I don't understand.

  First of all, when we were born, how did we all enter the world?  Naked, right?  If that's the case, then why is it that so many people are weirded out by it?  I am almost 100% positive that there were a lot of us who hated clothes as children.  It was okay then.  I myself would scream bloody murder when I even had to wear a diaper.  Somehow though as I got older, I grew to understand (wrongly now I see) that wearing clothes was something that had to be done in order to live in the society that we did.  So for about 23 years, I didn't feel trapped in the textile society I just felt like wearing clothes was something that had to be done.  I actually didn't give it a second thought.  If we were born naked, what exactly happened through the process of growing up that so many people have become trapped in the textile world?

  Secondly, has anyone ever stopped to think about why there is so much body obsession in our society?  I have.  I really truly believe in my heart of hearts that the body obsession of our society stems not from the individuals themselves, but has come about from society as a whole.  As it stands right now, when someone is completely naked, it usually means that sex is eminent.  Why?  Well, because that seems to be the only time we take our clothes off and don't think twice about it.  Look at how many people have a distorted self-image.  Again, I ask why is that?  In my opinion, it's because there's not enough emphasis on non-sexual nudism.  Maybe if we took our clothes off for something other than sax, we would begin to understand that the imperfections of one's body don't make a bit of difference when you've got 50 people who are standing around naked, and they all have imperfections.  The way I see it, it becomes a sea of beauty!

  Thirdly, the primary sex organ is the brain!  When you get the urge to have sex with someone you're body responds to the signals from the brain.  With that being said, why is it that we get those crazy intense sexual urges when someone is naked?  You want to know what I think?  I think it's because there's this great mystery behind the clothed body, and when it's uncovered we want to soak up every inch of it because we know we may not get the chance again for a very, very, very long time.  In my opinion, that's wrong on so many levels!  Seeing someone naked should not send your brain into a fit of panic, and almost urgency.  I feel that nudity should be almost as commonplace as seeing someone with brown hair.  Why not?  There's nothing wrong with that.  Have you ever actually spent an entire day naked?  Actually, let me make it even simpler.  Have you ever thought about the liberation that you feel when you're getting out of the shower and have nothing on but a towel?  I have, and it's a pretty amazing feeling.  So, if you haven't, I would highly recommend that next time you get out of the shower, you take just a few seconds, and give that a second thought.

  So, what do I propose we do to make nudism more commonplace?  First of all, take off some damn clothes when it has nothing to do with getting ready to have sex.  If you're afraid to do that, maybe you could try this: get a bunch of your friends together, and do it together.  Hopefully by doing that, you won't have the ability to be stuck on your own imperfections, and rather you'll be able to open yourself up to see the beauty of the naked body! 

  Secondly, if you happen to meet someone who is a nudist, step outside of your own comfort zone for just a moment, and ask them why they made the decision that they did.  I can tell you from experience that people who have chosen to be nudists are one of the most accepting groups of people I have ever had, and probably will ever have the pleasure of meeting! 

  Thirdly, and most importantly, remember that Jesus loves naked people to.  He's not going to judge any of us if we don't like it when it's hot outside and clothes are sticking to our bodies.  Remember, He gave us our own free will for a reason!  That being said, last time I checked, that reason wasn't necessarily to go along with what everybody else said or did.  So, why do we care so much about what everybody else thinks?  Just stop caring so much and worry a bit more about what's good for you.  You may find that you don't like wearing clothes at all on those summer days!

  Lastly, check out be Honoring My Body section of this website.  You may just walk away from the computer after reading that page with a much different perspective than you started with.  I know I did!

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