Star's Stellar Journal

I've Graduated From College, YAY ME! :D lol

Hey Everyone,

  I am now an official college graduate of Chattanooga State Technical Community College.  Yay me!  The ceremony kind of stunk the volunteer marshals who were supposed to keep up with making sure all the rows and seats were filled correctly as we marched in didn't do their job and separated me another girl in my class some of the other students up so we didn't get to march with our program/degree's graduating group.  We got stuck back with the dental students I think.  We didn't get to be recognized for the degree we'd worked so hard at.  So it really stunk. 

  Other then that I had a good day.  My parents bought me a book I'd been wanting plus they took me out to eat so it was a lot of fun.  I got some money from friends and family.  I'm hoping to get my room repainted and get a big work working desk with a big counter top that will go along one side of my room making lots of room to spread out books and papers and things that I'll need whenever I get to the point where I can work from home.  Plus it just needs new paint lol we did it ourselves and it didn't turn out to good.  We're gonna hire someone to do it this time in a pearl brushed sea green.  It will be a light pretty green with white pearl brushed over it in swirls to ad some shimmer to it and make it really pretty  will be green and white swirled around.  I'll also use some of the money to pay for my national credentialing exam that I'll have to take soon to get my credentials.  Here are some pictures from the graduation and some new flower photos I took yesterday while my family are working on getting my grandparents house repainted. 

Graduation > /dana/pictures/101710

Flowers > /dana/pictures/101034/4

Well that's all for today ttyl *Hugs and mauhs* Byes


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