Star's Stellar Journal

My First day of School

Hey Everyone,

  Today was my first day of school, I know that is so 1st grade sounding!  Yall know I'm a big kid at heart anyway so I don't care Tongue out.  We had the Welcome back orientation metting with the 1st and 2nd years combined ( I'm a 2nd year).  Then we went to our seperate classes for the remainder of the evening.  My frist class is so far my least favorite as it is a continuation from last semester Medical Codding bleh.  I haven't yet had a class in my 2 totally new subjects I got this year so we'll ahve to see if Codding remains my least favorite or not lol.

  Since I only have 3 classes and each class only meets one day a week that means lots of homework so we get a lot of practice with the material and stuff since we have a week between each class session to get it done and to prove that point our teacher gave us 3 chapters to do for homework, but thankfully we have 2 weeks to do it because of Next Monday being a holiday therefore no school( THANK GOD!) She normaly don't give that much homework, but she dosen't want the holiday putting us behind schedule so she gave us enough homework that covered 2wks of material its not all that much really just read the chapters wich are in big print with lots of pictures and graphs and stuff and then do the practice excercises for each one.   

  I got home at 9 becasue she let us out early since it was the first day, so I'm gona eat some dinner then to go bed and get up a little earlier and get as much of the homework done as I can so I don't have to do it later and so it won't add up to the rest of the homework I'm bound to get  on Tuesday and Thursday lol.  I also have to do more clinical rotations this 

    Nothing much else is going on except Brett, the college student from Penn.  State  who is attending classes at Bryan College , is back and along with his classes and college work he has to do he is learning to do magic from my dad.  He brought his normal animal props with him ya know the doves and the rabbit so he could continue to train them in his free time and take care of them they are in the basiment with my dad's magic animals.  But this year he brought 2 new animals to put into his act that I've never heard of being used in a magic show before.  He brought 2 baby Chinchillas(Spelling?) I can't wait to see them, but I'll have to wait till Brett is around because they are very skittish and I don't want to frighten them I hope I can take some pics of them this semester to show to you all at some point when they aren't so shy.  Well it's late and dinner is getting cold so I'll ttyt hopefuly till then goodnight and be good!

Love,                                                                                                                                         Dana

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