Star's Stellar Journal

A day in the sun

Hey Everyone,

  It is currently 12:53pm and I am outside on a blanket with my laptop sunning a lil bit and trying to get some highlights in my hair.  It's very hot out at 88 with high humidity.  I'm sweating like crazy but o well I brought lots of water with me and I'm in my backyard so refills arn't  a prob lol.  I'm able to reach my wireless internet from the house where I am which is cool.  And I brought a book to read and my cell phone.  I'm having fun it's a little hard to see my screen at times though.  I can see the trees and sky behind me reflected in the screen it's cool looking. 

  Nothing much happened at church today cept in sunday school a girl who spent the summer in Kenya, Africa for 2 months told us about her mission trip and showed us pictures and stuff, it was really cool she got to see a baby elephant rehabilitaion zool where orphaned baby elephants are cared for and released into the wild after they've been taught how to servive.  And she went to a Giraffe rahab center, where she got to feed some giraffes and have her picture taken with them.  She had a realy good time.

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