The Blog of Daniel

Just my place to write without any delusions of self-importance.


Yesterday evening I arrived back in my home town of Willits, CA for the week.  With nothing but heat back in Phoenix, I miss being outside so I pitched my large dome tent on the back patio and will be sleeping outdoors all week.  Lastnight there were a few racoon visitors.  It was downright chilly and I loved every second of it.  When I woke up, there was fog.  I haven't seen fog in 5 years.  Phoenix doesn't have fog and I miss that too.

This morning I went to my old church, First Baptist Church of Willits and got to see some old familiar faces.  A lot a time has passed since I left so a few of the faces have since died, and many are showing their advanced ages.  I think of how my own hair is thinning and the gray is starting.  Afterward was a potluck lunch of the perfect summer food, hotdogs and beans.

Tom and I just polished off a pizza from Pizza To Go.  It's the pizza that legends are made of.

Tomorrow, me, my mother, aunt, and sisters are heading to Trinity Canyon Lodge to stay at the resort my oldest sister and her husband just bought.

When we get back, I'm going to go knock on Jerry Yates's door and say hello.  Jerry was my best friend in high school and by chance he bought the house across the street.  I owe him for my love of the outdoors and for not going into adulthood as a wimp.

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