Star's Stellar Journal

Crazy, Wacky Day

Hey everyone,

Today was soo awesome!  PJ Day and Crazy, Wacky Day are the best days out of homecomming week.  Because PJ day you get to go to school in your pjs and carry pillows and blankets and stuffed critters around lol.  Then on crazy, wacky day it is so awesome because you wear anything that you feel is wacky or crazy.  Halloween costumes or just mixing out fits up and wearing stuff that don't go together like tutus over jeans.  Face paint, accessories, wiggs, and attitudes lol.

Everyone loved my costume.  I was dressed in velvet.  Then I had a shimmery cape on that sometimes looks green and sometimes looks pink and sometimes a mixture of the two colors.  It's a black cape with rosses on it and they are where the color comes from.  Very beautiful, I also had scarves tied and wrapped around my waist for a lil more color and sillyness.

And I had those big toothed clips that have ruffles on them,that go with the matching scarves around my waist, all in my hair...4 in all.  And I had my coo coo clock earings on.  And some magnatised, battery powered earings on my shirt 1 pair flashed blue, the next pair flashed red, and then the last pair changed and rotated colors.

Everyone loved them, I had one girl ask me if they were belly button rings lol.  As if my dad would personaly kill me if I got  anything periced other than my ears and they can only be done once lol.I saw at least 2 more kids dressed  like cows today relations to moo?  hmmm lol.  I had a lot of fun today I wish you guys had been there!  Well I g2g *hugs and muahs*  love you all tc byessss



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