Jumping Rainbows

A lot of randomness

None of the things that I'm about to write about, and therefore you're about to read about really have the connection to one another.  It's just a whole bunch of stuff that I've wanted to write about since I had to take Dragon NaturallySpeaking off of my computer, but haven't had the patience or the stamina to do so because Dragon NaturallySpeaking wasn't working properly.

I know it's been a while since any of you have seen my name come up on the "recent" section of the site, and some of you are probably wondering whether I fell off the face of the earth, or just decided to stop writing.  I'm happy to report that neither of these things has taken place, and I don't see either of them happening in the foreseeable future!  My lack of writing has solely been due to the fact that I had far too much to say, and Dragon NaturallySpeaking hasn't been working properly for quite some time.  Granted, I could have put the time and effort of typing into it, and made writing happen that way, but as I told Daniel a couple of weeks ago, in my opinion, writing, which is typically a leisure activity for me, and a way to let everything go, should not, under any circumstances, take effort!  If it does, then it becomes work instead of leisure, and I refuse to let that happen, so therefore I just wasn't going to write until I didn't have to work at it.

Ah, Chandler and I.  For a very very long time I would have started this paragraph out with "where do I begin with that subject?"  Today, however, there will be none of that fluffy stuff!  For all of you who want to know, and even probably some of those who don't, yes, we are a couple and it doesn't really matter what any of you have to say about that, because whether you want to believe it or not, or you want to hear it or not, we are, and have been for quite some time, adults!  Last time I checked, the reason we get all the privileges and responsibilities that we do when we turn 18 is because that's the point where society and the law deems that we are capable and competent enough to make our own decisions, and fall on our faces if we must!  Here's another eureka moment for you: I'm well into a month of being 25, and Chandler will be 26 in a little over four months!  Now I don't know about you, but according to the counting skills that I learned in first grade, no, maybe even kindergarten, 25 and 26 are both bigger than than 18!  So, if any of you who read this with any regularity, or will happen to read it by chance, have questions about our relationship, I will be more than happy to answer every single one of them without hesitation, and I think I can safely say, so will he.  If, on the other hand, you are going to choose to assume things without getting all the facts, that's your problem, not ours, and I for 1 am not going to pay any attention to any of your ignorance any longer.  If some of you want to continue to live in a bubble, that's your choice, and I'm not going to take that away from you, as this is the land of choices, but as far as Chandler and I go, from 3 a.m.  yesterday morning on, I will be holding nothing back and if you have a problem with that, well, quite frankly, I don't give a flying fruit loop!

It doesn't look like I'm going to need hip surgery after all!  Yahoo!  Few of you know how close I've come to needing hip surgery a number of times, and how lucky I've been to avoid it.  It looks like, at least for now, I will once again with just a couple of modifications to my wheelchair!  I'll update if anything changes with that.

Finally, finally, finally, there is hope that I will start school without complication in April!  At this point, there's only one thing that would mean more to me, and I won't get into that now, because if I do, you'll be reading for a couple days rather than a couple minutes!  LOL I will, however, keep all of you posted on my futures for endeavors and adventures!

Well, I think that's about all I have to ramble about at this moment.  If I think of something more today, or within the next couple of days as long as NaturallySpeaking keeps working, I'll be sure and add it to this specific entry, and I'll just give it a new title of "my continuous rambling entry"!  LOL Smile

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