The Blog of Daniel

Just my place to write without any delusions of self-importance.


I'm really not a holiday person anymore, but I'm not scroogish about it.  I don't begrudge anyone for their happy times.

For most people, holidays are when families and friends get together.  As time goes by it also becomes the one way you get to see some people for the very last time.  Last year I lost two family members and a friend after Christmas.  Holidays are supposed to leave you with good memories of those you love.  My own family has always had big get-togethers and it was always the best part of the year.

I turned into a non-holiday person because I haven't been able to go home for the holidays for many years.  Here in Arizona my asthma is in check and I rarely ever get sick, but when I go back home, it's awful.  I've lost most of my resistance to cats and my parents have cats.  I do get to go home in summer but I sleep outdoors under the stars.  I find it relaxing and the bonus is that I don't end up in the emergency room.  My last trip to the ER was pretty bad.  I thought I was going to die right there.

I think this is the first year where I have not been specifically invited by any friend to spend Christmas with them.  One good friend has always left a standing invitation but at the same time he has let me know that I really truly should not come because of his extended family's bizarre traditions.  It's amusing but after hearing some of his holiday stories I have to agree with him.  I still cherish the offer though.

So tomorrow I'm going to curl up alone with a blanket and watch movies and try to make the best of it.

As for everyone else, I hope they have a Merry Christmas.  Make it a point to let every person in your life know how much you love them.

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