It is big and round. It shakes with every move.
It is big and round. It shakes with every move.
It lets me know when I need to eat.
It also lets me know when I have eaten enough.
It even looks a little funny with a hole in my belly button.
But it also hides the hole at times.
It will even carry a baby in it some day.
Until then it'll keep doing everything else it does.
Including help me hold stuff like paper and etc in my lap.
It jiggles when I laugh.
It took me the longest to love my stomach.
It jiggles when I laugh.
Some have thought I was fat, despite my skinny body.
Some have thought I was pregnant, ignoring my penis below.
This is a love that will take time, but I still have time.
I took their challenge
I used to hate that orb of bulbous fat.
My stomach was still strong
but they told me it wasn't good enough.
I ate too much
and enjoyed too much the fruits of the world.
I took their challenge
and I lost my stomach,
but I felt no better.
So I returned to my fruit
and my love for it
until my stomach returned,
round, healthy and beautiful.
I loved her stomach before she did
I loved her stomach before she did and she loved mine before I did. It's sad how the world molds us to hate the very things in ourselves that we love in others. Her stomach is strong, tight and healthy, so much so that it gives me incentive to want mine to be the same. If I could only be like her.
There are so many things and events between us that give me a sense of peace and one of them was recent. One evening after a she had taken a hot shower she layed naked on the bed and played her video game. I just layed there with her, my head on her naked stomach, and quietly listened to her heart beat and the sounds of her stomach digesting a brand new food. The sound of her heart left me in awe and the sound of whatever that dinner was that we ate left me giggly.
Whether I am happy or sad, I love to bury my face in her beautiful stomach and just soak in her love and friendship.