Jumping Rainbows

Good night moon

For the last couple of weeks, I've had the opportunity to see some absolutely stunning moons.  When most people see a moon in my experience, they enjoy it for a couple seconds, and then go on about whatever they were doing before the moon was brought to their attention.  I had been guilty of this many times throughout my 26 years of life until something dramatically changed for me almost six months ago.  Prior to six months ago, I was guilty of sometimes just going through the motions of life even though I tried really hard not to let that happen!  Now that I've become even more appreciative of what I have, and I realize that I wasn't as grateful as I could've been for what I have and what I am able to do by myself, I'm also forever grateful that the event that took place six months ago happened.  Are any of my loyal readers currently searching their memory banks to try to figure out what this event may be?  Well, I won't keep you in suspense any longer.  It was making my relationship with Cullen official!  I was his girlfriend and he was my boyfriendLaughing

As I've said many times in previous entries, he, and his family fill me up in EVERYway!  One of the things that he and I, and his mom and I have talked about on several occasions is the fact that I'm a hopeless romantic, and won't deny it for a second!  Part of me always has been, but until almost six months ago, I didn't realize how much that part of me was being put on the back burner!  I realize now that that part of me got buried (subconsciously at the time) because it wasn't being reciprocated, at least not the way I wanted it to be.

Now though, the things I once found super romantic, are again!  Smile  Which brings me back to the moon.  It may just be coincidence, though I don't think so, but while he's been on vacation, I've seen some incredible ones!  He too is a lover of the moon, and I think it's the Lord's way of connecting us while we're physically apart!  Smile  So, to my Father: I see now, more clearly than ever, what You're trying to do, even when You send the most covert signals!  I love You for it, and will say "good night moon" tonight and every night to come because that's how You've chosen to keep him and I connected for the moment!  Smile

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