Jumping Rainbows

Back from the depths of hell... hopefully to stay!

  Thursday, March 13, 2008 was an exceptional day!  However, I didn't realize just exactly how profound it was until last evening, March 15, 2008.  Seeing the transformation that I saw last evening, was the closest I've been to crying for a very good reason in a very, very, very long time...
  For the last two out of three years, Chandler has been going through a medical treatment that no one should have to go through for any reason.  Now granted, he did have a six-month reprieve between the first cycle, and this one.  However, in my opinion, and I think in his, that six-month reprieve wasn't nearly long enough!  The medication that he was on (and yes I said was, but I'll get to that in just a moment) made him feel extremely lethargic and flulike all the time.  You see, not only was he on oral medication every day, but he also received a shot once a week as well.  Prior to now, I have seen him both on and off treatment, and the difference is nothing less than astonishing!  When he's on treatment, he pretty much wants to do nothing but sleep.  Even going to the bathroom sometimes became a chore!  Frown
  Last evening was the first night that I actually got to spend time with him since he finished up the second cycle of treatment on Thursday, March 13.  I was seriously blown away at what a difference only two days can make!  Smile During the time that I was with him, he actually looked and acted like himself for the first time in over a year!  In fact, everything I said he had an extremely witty response for!  Smile  Now that's the Chandler I know and love!  When I commented on how good he looked and sounded, his response was, "yeah, I do feel pretty good, I'm still a little tired, but other than that this is the best I've felt in a long, long, long time!"
  So, I'm extremely overjoyed to report that at least for now he is back from the depths of hell, and no longer a shell of the Chandler I know and love!  Smile With any luck, I won't have to write a follow-up blog entry telling all of you that he has to go on treatment once again.  With that being said, all we can do now is wait, hope, and pray that he can continue to be the person he truly wants to be, and I am 100% positive that if at all possible, he wants to be the Chandler that he is when he's not on treatment!  If anything changes, I'm sure I'll be writing about it here. 

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