Star's Stellar Journal

A Sress,Stress, and More Stress!

Hey Everyone,

  Today was stressful the charts were very hard to read plus the room was smaller and the girl in our class with a big obnoxious mouth wouldn't be quiet and do her own work instead of calling across the table to ppl around her for help.  And it just bounced off the walls and was realy loud and annoying which made it hard for me to concentrate and to pay attetion during the lecture. 

  The 4 hour clinical session was long and stressful I kept over coding the charts or missing important codes I was suppose to pick up.  And the teachers were to busy talking to be of much help so it was a trying day.  Plus being tired from not sleeping well then having to get up early it's been a bad day and it still wasn't over.  Had to go through a night class.

The class was long and dull and rather pointless she spent 2 hours trying to get accross one simple fact....  that different diagnosis make different weighted DRGs which mean different levels of reimbursement for the hospital ect.....  we spent the 2 hours codding different diagnossis and adding different things to it or taking things from it to see how little it takes to affect what DRG your diagnosis is put in to and how much the hospital is reimbursed etc...sorry if I rambled but I'm so upset we had to sit there 2 hours for that!  To experiement with DRG assignments and how different diagnosis and proceedures effect them.  It was so pointless, ppl pay over a thou in tuition and fees for such stupidity and a waist of time!  Well I better get started on my homework at least it makes scense reading the chapter and filling out the study guide....  at least that aint a waist it's material we have to know for tests and things.  well I"ll talk  to you later *hugs and muahs* Byess



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