Star's Stellar Journal

Palm Sunday

Hey Everyone,

My perm looks really good!  It hasn't relaxed much yet so it's still really tight ya know tight lil curls against my head, but when it relaxes it will hang in loose sprials.  I'm hopping it took really good and won't fluff out as much from my body heat as regular perms do.  It still smelled like perm stuff, but no body noticed it looked different or even smelled like I got a perm.  And that's ok.

Had several ppl tell me that they would be praying for me on Friday while I'm having my wisdom teeth removed.  And that I'd feel good enough to be able to do the puppet show with the youth group for the healthy kids day next Saturday.  And that meant a lot to me ya know, cause no one at my other church really did that ya know.

Tuesday is Spring Pictures, I'm looking forward to them only cause I'm hopping my hair will actualy look how I've always wanted it to look in spring pictures cute, but nice ya know?  All the other pics I've done it usualy looks really stiff, oily, or just messed up from wind or something ya know.  I'm just really hopping that the pics will turn out good.  Cause those pics ( if they turn out good) along with my prom pictures will be my senior pictures.  I'm not gona pay 100's of bucks to have some silly pics in a fancy album made to hand out to ppl with the  class of 2005 junk on it.  Well that's all for today.  *hugs and muahs* Byess



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