Star's Stellar Journal

A Nice Day

Hey Everyone,

Well I've got my computer back, and my microsoft powerpoint,and word programs etc upgraded.  So I'm happy got my computer back lol.  We got groceries today and I ran into several ppl I haven't seen in a while.  1st my 4th grade teacher Mrs.  Cather (not a welcomed reunion cause I never liked her much).  2nd A guy that use to work at the camp I attended every summer named Jason Woody.  He and I use to have a lot of fun at camp fighting over the spinage at dinner and playing Chinese freeze tag.

Infact he's the one that taught me how to play and first got me interested in catching crawdads in the creek.  And he even helped me win the pool capades competition one year by being the wicked witch and I got to throw a bucket of water at him and he fell off the diving board quoting oh what a world..etc lol.  And we use to make up secret I dentities like he would be HE-MAN and I was SHE-RA lol.  He would go out of his way to make me happy at camp cause when I was younger I didn't have any freinds at the camp till Jennifer started going.  And I just ow a lot of my good times at camp to  him.  And for starting my love of crawdadding and chinese freeze tag lol.  I didin't get to talk to him though cause he was the guy that took my computer to work on it.  And I didn't recognize who he was till after we had already left.  :(

We also ran into a lady that we use to go to church with at our old church.  She didn't stay and talk to us she was in a hurry.  We bought the Bambi special edtion today.  Cause it was the first movie adam and I ever owned and our copy of it broke several years ago.  So it was really cool watching it again and being aquanted with old freinds like Thumper and Flower and Bambi lol.  Well I g2g for now.  *hugs and muahs* Byessss



P.S.  I'm  not getting the dizzy spells anymore, but my left ear is stopped up.

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