Star's Stellar Journal

Junior Church

Hey Everyone,

Church was really cool today.  We learned how powerful and hurtful the toungue can be and ways we can try to tame our toungue so we don't hurt people.  And then during the service I got to go down and do a ventriloquism rutine for the kids they learned about shadrack, Meshack, and abendigo.  The  teachers were amazed because I had them rivited for a whole 13 minutes lol.  The kids really seemed to like it they howled with laughter :).  I really enjoyed it.

Day one of my diet has gone well so far  had half of a slim fast along with 3 girlled chicken patties with white american chese on them for breakfast.  Lots of protien hehe.  It was  pretty good the slim fast wasn't that great though lol tasted like peptobismal lol.  But it was filling and I didn't get hungry till now but since it will be a while before lunch is ready I'm eating some tortia chips and some salsa.  Well that's all for right now *hugs and muahs* ttyl!  Byess



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