Star's Stellar Journal

OMG someone save me...

Hey Everyone,

Because of severe cramping I had last night do to my monthy visitor.  My mother has decided to take me to a gynacologist ....eeep!  Just what I need durring the holidays one of those  sessions....bleh.

Well nothing happened at school today, watched movies all day because today was the last day before Thanksgiving break.  There's not much to tell about today I read more of me book.  And as soon as school was over I went over to the movie rental place nearest to my home.  And rented the new Harry Potter movie that came out today: Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban.  It's really good so far.  Well I'm gona go now my stomache is giving me a bit of pain....I shall talk to you all later.  *Hugs and muahs* Byess



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