Amber's Abode

Summertime... and the livin' is...

Well, it's the first day of summer.  And for the first time in a long time in my life, it actually feels like summer.  :-).  We are on our way to around 104° today.  That's not bad.  It doesn't feel really hot until about 106°.  :-).  See?  I'm becoming a native.

I've been quiet here because I was in the hospital again for eight days until last Friday.  The usual bladder infection plus dehydration.  Sigh.  This is getting old.  But at least they know how to take care of me.  I was drinking, but I caught the flu or something and was sick to my stomach every time I tried to put anything, even just liquid, it it.  This is not good in the desert.  And then when I got back, I kept getting sick, because I had become physically dependent on the morphine they were giving me for pain.  Good times, let me tell you.  Sigh.  Today, so far, I've not been shaking, so maybe I'm clear of it.  The next stay over at my hotel will be on the 15th of next month, for my operation.  I'm not looking forward to it, but the end result will probably reduce my pain level greatly, so it's a good thing.

I got some scary news yesterday.  I got a nonchalant letter in the mail informing me that starting on July 1, they are raising the percentage I have to pay out of my money for rent from 70% to 88%.  This means I'm going from around $220 spendable per month to exactly $81 spendable per month.  I'm pretty scared and angry.  Stupid budget cuts.  Why do they have to cut me first?  I'm afraid I'm going to lose my Internet and phone, or if I keep those, not be able to do anything else outside, because transportation is expensive here.  I have informed my family, but we will see how much they actually pitch in.  I know I will be OK, as in survive, whatever happens, because I have a roof over my head and food.  But it still is very frustrating.  If anyone would like to, or is able to, use the donate button on this page, it would be greatly appreciated.  Otherwise, just pray for me as I find viable alternatives and go through the appeals process.

In wonderful news, to balance it out, Daniel and I have been together for a year now.  It's been a great year, probably the best of my life.  Definitely the most challenging/stretching, strongest, most honest, fullest, and most comfortable and the safest (emotionally) year.  Whatever craziness is going on, I know that he is there and that we will be OK.  It makes everything a little better to have someone by my side.  Even the really crappy stuff, we can laugh and roll our eyes at, knowing that we will remain strong with love.  Thank you so much for everything.  I am in awe of the person you are everyday; and equally amazed at the person you are helping me become; or at least helping me see what already existed.  I love you.

And so we press onward, deeper into the unknown.  But most always with the sun on my back.  Safe journey to everyone, and happy summer!

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