Amber's Abode

Mixed bag of (certifiable) nuts

I'm writing this trying to be quiet while my new roommate sleeps.  She came in yesterday, but quickly was transferred to my room because she needed room for all her stuff, including a computer desk, phone, recliner, TV, wheelchair, Walker, Scooter, and oxygen machine.  This all takes up way more than half of the room.  Now I just have my bed and desk and barely enough room to sit in front of my computer.  She's nice and all, but the blatant misappropriation of space is a major grievance.  This is not a hotel.  The upper-level management, however, basically tells me to suck it up and deal.  And she's here for the duration, both of my stay and her life. 

And upper-level management probably thinks I owe them because my caseworker did something so that I don't owe any more for living here.  This is awesome, I have more money now than ever in my life altogether at once, but I'm mostly ignoring it, because I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I did buy Myst V from this cool site called, where you can legally buy and download games that you then never need the CD for.  I haven't started it yet.  I'm also thinking of trying city of heroes, because I'm really curious if I can be successful there.  Also, I redownloaded Eve online, now that I have money to play it again.  (Frantic wave to Cherry.)

Anybody got any good ideas for a superhero name for me?  What about a primary power?  :-). 

I'm also in trouble because a best buy store moved in one train stop away from me.  I found a digital camera that'll work for me, the Sony cybershot.  It's small enough that I can lift it if I have to, but I didn't get it yet because I need a way to mount it to my chair.  It's the only safe way.  Apparently, they make small tripods that attach to wheelchair armrests.  I don't know how expensive they are.  Still, I'm excited about the prospect.  I have wanted to get into digital photography for a long time. 

I tried karaoke last night, as they are finally having it on Tuesdays with a new KJ who is a little strange but cool with helping me.  They were not very many people there, which was fine by me because I got to sing more.  But singing still does not take me out of my fog anymore. 

I haven't heard much from Joe except the news that the father of the woman he chose died.  I made the mistake of calling to offer sympathy, and so now he's attempting to connect energetically with me again off and on.  If you don't understand what that means, don't worry, it's not that important.  But it's annoying to experience.  I told him not to do it anymore, and he says not to call him anymore, which I won't.  But he also says that he hopes that our lives will return to normal one day.  Whatever.  Maybe his will, but mine will not, primarily because he shattered my reality and replaced it with a darker one he saw when he was here. 

But I keep breathing, barely.  I've been hanging out with Max a lot lately, which is helpful. 

My sister and brother-in-law are in North Dakota visiting my maternal grandparents and the whole side of the family.  They didn't even bother trying to take me with them, which hurts.  I haven't been there since I was 12.  But what hurts more is that my other sister, who is getting married on July 29, has decided she does not want me for a bridesmaid.  The other sister did this too.  I don't know what their surface reasons are, but I know they're embarrassed of me and fearful of their image.  I feel like not going but I will because it gets me out of here for a few days.  But I'm thinking about shaving my head and showing up in a T-shirt that says "my girlfriend thinks your wife is hot" or something like that. 

OK.  Breathing now.  No more to write. 

PS about a half-hour later: the other shoe just dropped.  Apparently, I'm supposed to send $570 directly back to the Social Security office rather than paying it directly to the people here.  I knew there was a catch.  Sigh.  Why didn't they just stick to the other way?  This doesn't even make sense. 

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